June 05, 2010

A break!

A spontaneous suggestion over early dinner ends up two of us in Reel Cinema Loughborough watching this my ever after fav series Sex and City II. A recommended movie to those who follows this! A good therapy for those like me.. in exam fever!

Now is time to go back to biomass book! enjoy...

June 01, 2010

what i want..??

Read few stories bout sudden death of few friends's schoolmates recently have had raised few questions to my mind..

-what i want for my life?
-how long more will i live?
-have u done enough?

Quite distracted, meanwhile i am in midst of preparing myself for my last 3 papers for this MSc. Renewable energy Systems Technology... and sincerely speaking, the best answer for the three Q's above is I should be with and around my loved ones!! nothing more meaningful and precious than spending minutes and seconds with them....

i wish i can fast forwards all clocks around the world to Sept 1st now and board the plane home..

Just can't wait!! Miss u darling, and dearest princess Iman-Ilham...

May 31, 2010

a book worm!

i need to read and read and read
and only 8 more days to go... yet lots of things to cover... and discover..
yesterday was biomass, today gonna be integration and tomorrow hope can cover solar...
Doakan saya! all A's in the making... Insyaallah..

but at this age, my body capacity can only stand up to 8pm and there off you go to la la land with the notes.. hehehe